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Community Library

The Community Library is a book-lending library offering its services to the residents of both the community of Mathiatis and the neighbouring communities in general.

The library is housed in the same premises as the offices of the Mathiatis Community Council, at 7 Ethnomartyra Kyprianou Street, while one can contact the library at 22540028. 

For someone to become a member they have to fill in the necessary form, which is available at the library. As far as underage applicants are concerned, their application must be countersigned by one of their legal guardians.

Today at the Library there are approximately 2000 books covering all different types of interests. The books are classified based on the international Melvil Dewey Decimal Classification System, which means that they have been divided into ten basic categories according to their subject matter. The Library also offers educational DVDs and CDs and it also operates as a reading room. Computers with internet access to be used by the members of the Library are also available.    

The completion of the Community Library has been the result of support provided by the Cultural Services of the Ministry of Education and Culture, which, apart from funding, have supplied the Library with a large number of books. Moreover, the creation of the Library was also supported by the Bishopric of Tamassos and Oreinis, as well as by Bishop Isaias himself.   

The Mathiatis Community Library’s inauguration ceremony was performed on June 4th 2013 by the Minister of Education and Culture at the time, Mr Kyriakos Kenevezos and the Metropolitan Bishop of Tamassos and Oreini, Isaias.  

« February 2025 »
Markou Drakou 3
2568, Μathiatis
Τel. : 22540028
Fax : 22210479
Email : koinotiko.simvoulio.mathiati@